5 Vancouver Play-Based Activities For 0-5 Year Olds

Finding things to do with the toddler and preschool age is a score! You may not want to commit to a scheduled class or activity, or perhaps you just want a one-off play activity that accommodates even the little toddlers.  We have rounded up local Vancouver…

Popular preschools in Vancouver

Popular Preschools in Vancouver

Many preschools in Vancouver are waitlisted, so even if your toddler is not quite pre-school ready, it is great to start thinking about it and doing some research. That way you can get on a waitlist (some which are 1-2 years long). I know, it…

Vancouver enrichment classes and activities

Popular Vancouver Enrichment Classes for 0-5 year olds

Vancouver has so much to offer in terms of activities, so really what you want to get out to do, is the question. Whether you want to take classes with your little one, or have them experience something new, or just to get out and…

Vancouver Events Coming Up for Moms and Moms-To-Be

Vancouver is always buzzing, this is true. However, we do our best to tell you moms and mom-to-bes about some Vancouver events coming up that you may not know of, or we think will be of interest to you, focusing on those pregnant or with pre-school…

Around Town – June 20th & 21st – Toronto and Area

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing Daddy’s out there – enjoy your special day! REDPATH WATERFRONT FESTIVAL June 19 – June 20 HTO PARK www.towaterfrontfest.com 5 events, 4 parks, 3 days, 2 kilometres, 1 giant party! TASTE OF LITTLE ITALY June 19 – June…

Around Town – June 20th & 21st – Vancouver and Area for Families

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing Daddy’s out there – enjoy your special day! DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL June 20 8:00-7:00 Science World www.dragonboatbc.ca Watch the boats and cheer on your favorite team! Enjoy all the festivities. POINT GREY FIESTA June 20 8:30-10:00 West Point…

baby books

Give Books As Gifts This Mother’s Day

I am not a believer in receiving appliances as gifts, I would much prefer a book, or five of them. (Buy the appliances you want when you want and/or need them, is my view.) If my husband bought me a vacuum, blender, mixer, toaster or any…

Vancouver Yoga for Kids (and Mamas!)

There’s no shortage of yoga studios in Vancouver, however the vast majority of them cater to grown-ups. If your little ones would like to get their yoga on, though, there are options. Here are five fabulous Vancouver yoga studios and class providers that cater to…

WeeStock! (Fellow NON-Diy Mommies You Will Want to Read This!)

I am so excited to announce that the 7th WeeStock Indie & Boutique Baby Show will be in Stony Plain this year! On Saturday, October 11 all Edmonton & Area moms will have the chance to shop for local, handmade, organic, fair trade, and boutique-quality…

WeeStock 2013

Hundreds of new and expecting parents will be shopping locally for their babies and toddlers on Saturday, November 9th at WeeStock Indie & Boutique Baby Show in Edmonton at the Aviation Heritage Centre this Fall. WeeStock is a unique show in Edmonton that focuses on…