Local Events happening for Modern Mamas in Calgary!
Welcome to Modern Mama® Calgary…’getting out of the house’ has never been so fun!
Being a Mom is very busy and rewarding. It can also be very isolating without regular social interaction with others. Modern Mama offers an array of mom-focused events, that are social and informative with a posh lighthearted atmosphere. Our events are private, exclusive and small – at local venues such as cafes and boutiques. Best of all, your baby is always welcome in on the fun! Nanny services are offered at a selection of events too. Join us at one of our upcoming events:
Friday October 28, 2016 – Halloween Party
Join us for a Halloween celebration – bring your little one dressed up in their costume we will have a photographer, a fun craft and cupcakes!
November 9, 2016 – Hottest Tot Products
Ella Bella Maternity Boutique (Willow Park SE)
Join us as we showcase the Hottest Tot Products of 2016. This is a chance for moms to get out and see the hottest tot products. Come see, touch, test and explore the products your tots will love. The best part is each mom will leave with one of the products! Products are valued from $50-$600. This is a fun opportunity to meet other moms and take home one of the hottest tot products. Tickets can be purchased here.
Our regular annual events are:
- Essential Series Parenting Workshops
- Mama Needs a Babysitter
- Social Baby & Tots
- Mamas Night Outs
- Hottest Tot Products
- Modern Bump Social/Brunch
- Infant CPR
Did you know Modern Mama Calgary members receive a discount on all of our events, as well as a invitations to exclusive member only mixers? Get the scoop on the Modern Mama membership here.
Be sure to sign up to our newsletter and stay in the loop!
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