Parenting is a funny thing, isn’t it?! Some days we feel like we have got “it” going on and we are the best darn parents we can be and other days we are a scene from the movie Bad Moms. Or maybe it’s just me…..
For the past few months I keep going back and forth between these two as I have been potty training my youngest child. To say she is strong willed would be an understatement and while I know she will meet each milestone at her own pace it can be super frustrating for me as I want her to go at my pace (i.e. get out of diapers now). But over the last month I have been reflecting on the process and have decided not to push her into it until she’s ready, so potty training is on our back burner for now. In this period of reflection I realized that this little two year old is my last baby and that when she is out of diapers she really won’t be a baby anymore, and I’m feeling torn about this.
My little Elliott has two older brothers who she {mostly} keeps up with on a daily basis: she can run, jump, wrestle, talk and play just as well as they can and I often forget she is only two. Until it’s time to change her diaper or put her to bed (she sucks her thumb and has a blankie — but that’s a story for another day), so as I realized these moments are fleeting I decided to set the potty training aside and cherish the moments while my baby is still a baby.
Currently my girl has a room to herself and it is all decked out in pink (her brothers share a room), so I was super happy to add this Diaper Genie to her room. It saves me from carrying dirty diapers across the house and I love the fabric covers that allow it to fit right in as if it’s another piece of furniture! Note: We use her dresser as a change table by simply adding a pad to the top (space saver!) and her dresser has been on my DIY project list pretty much since she was a baby…. one day I’ll get to it!!
When we have friends with little ones over I move the diaper genie down to the bathroom so they can conveniently toss their diapers out and I have been complements on how nice our diaper genie is! Simple pleasures sometimes, em I right?! Note: The designer fabric sleeves are sold separately and these fabric sleeves only fit the Diaper Genie Expressions Pail.
**Three of the five available fabric sleeves pictured above**
**This is a sponsored post but the opinions expressed above are my own.**