Meet Mel Gibb from Intellidance Calgary

Mel Gibb is the wonderful lady behind Intellidance Calgary



At Modern Mama we love supporting local businesses and mompreneurs. Not only is Mel is a huge inspiration and a stand up lady; she hosts the most fun baby play dates! More about Mel, the lady behind Intellidance Calgary:

Dance has always been a part of Mel’s life. As a young girl, she explored different styles of dance, such as ballet, jazz, and tap. She found herself most drawn to jazz and danced competitively. Later, Mel joined the musical theatre group, Multi-Youth Productions, where she collaborated with members to create original productions and choreography that was frequently shown at The Edmonton International Fringe Festival. During her time at university, Mel became a teacher’s assistant for the University of Alberta Dance Club, joined their formation dance team, and enjoyed ballroom dancing socially. During her years as an elementary school teacher, Mel has always tried to instill a love of dance in her students. Mel taught Intellidance® in Edmonton for two years prior to bringing the program to Calgary. Mel is going into her fourth year of teaching Intellidance.

Mel has two children who have been attending Intellidance® classes since they were both three months old. During these classes, Mel’s daughter has blossomed into a clever, affectionate little girl who adores interacting with people, and her son has thrived in an environment where he can develop his physical movement skills at his own pace. Intellidance® has supported their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive growth.

Mel holds a B.Ed in Elementary Education from the University of Alberta and a M.Ed in Special Education with a specialization in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education from the University of British Columbia.

Winter Sessions start January 20th, 2017


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