Modern Bump Brunch – BIG TICKET GIVEAWAY!


Have you heard that Modern Mama’s semi-annual Modern Bump Brunch is set for Sunday, November 17th at The Keg Restaurant in Yaletown?

Modern Mama’s North Shore, Vancouver & North Burnaby branches are teaming up on this season’s signature event to bring you the best Modern Bump Brunch yet. With expert speakers, a maternity fashion show, belly photography, fantastic door prizes (up to $500 value each), swag bags, healthy brunch fare from Whole Foods Market & COBS Bread, and a chance to meet & mingle with other local mamas-to-be, the month of November is a fabulous time to be expecting!


Modern Bump Brunch - Photo #21

Names will be drawn at the end of the brunch and winners will have their choice of door prizes. That way mamas-to-be go home with fantastic prizes that they actually want and need!

There are only 40 seats at this exclusive event for local mamas-to-be, and tickets are selling fast. Click HERE to see the full event listing and to purchase tickets.

As a special treat this week, we’re giving away TWO tickets to the upcoming Modern Bump Brunch (valued at $75 each!). Contest opens at 7:00 am on Friday, October 18th and ends at midnight on Thursday, October 24th. Enter through the Rafflecopter entry form below.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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