Small Business Sunday – Lil Hoots Consignment Boutique


Small Business Sunday is a chance for Modern Mama to help promote small businesses, many of which are local.  It is an opportunity to help highlight and feature their incredible services and products to our Modern Mama audience. If you own your own business or know of a wonderful business that should be featured, please email us at


Welcome to Lil Hoots Childrens Boutique!

Denise has been the owner of Lil Hoots for 4 years. She has turned this store into a parent-or-grandparents’ first stop, and loves every minute of it. She is a wife to Ryan, a mother to Aryn and Lucas. They have a dog, Stella, who is quite literally her pride and joy. Sorry, kids. Denise is part owner of The Newsy Neighbour Magazine, started a FREE local sports program, makes a mean lasagna, she helps organize so many events in our town, does whatever she can to support my town, organizes a free bike repair program, and loves being a swim and hockey mom. Busy life = happy life.


Give her a follow on Facebook and Instagram!


How did you get the idea for your business? 

The store was actually already a staple in our town with a previous owner, and she was looking to sell. It was a strictly consignment store, with so much room to grow and change. I brought the idea up with my husband, expecting him to give me a resounding NO, why buy a business? But instead, he said yes, and we have turned this store into Strathmore & area’s first stop for all things kids.

How did you come up with the name for your business? 

The previous owner had actually named it! She loved owls, and coincidentally, so do I. I considered changing it when I first bought the store and a few times since, but it makes for a fun conversation when people think I sell lingerie or cannabis, lol. And it works for making little extras in the store; like, Mama Hoots (the Maternity section) and Teen Hoots (the teen clothes section) and Counselling Hoots (the couch where moms come and talk to me and cry to me about how hard it is to, you know, do EVERYTHING). I’m kinda kidding about the last one, but it actually is a thing that many mamas do and I’m super proud of it.

What kind of services do you offer? 

We are a New & Used kids and maternity store. We sell maternity consignment, kids clothes (newborn to teen sizes (adult XS-XXL)) and new items, including pajamas, clothing, outerwear, teething gear, toys, body products, and sooo much more. We have Teddy Mountain, which is where you can stuff your own stuffy! We even do birthday parties and they are so much fun. We also have a free bike program where we get bikes donated to us, we fix them up, and we give them away to kids for free. And we have a big Winter Fundraiser where we’re accepting monetary donations and we’re going to donate toques, backpacks, pajamas and more to kids who are living in the shelter. Anything we can do to support the people of Strathmore, surrounding towns, Siksika and more – we’ll do it!



Speaking of Siksika, we actually donate any unsold or unsellable items to their storefront school, and they give the clothing away to anyone who needs it. It’s a phenomenal program, and one I’m so proud to be a part of. Every child matters, and every child needs to be clothed.

Another plug, We actually take a photo of every single item we put into the store (consignment AND new) and we post them in our social media stories AND on the website. So, if you’re at home, bored, wanting to know what we have in store, you can actually shop our entire store online! It’s old-school shopping, like it’s OneDrive folders and you have to take a screenshot and send it to me, but I’m super proud of it. It’s a looootttttt of work, but it’s worth it.

Lastly, we also feed all the neighborhood cats, hence why there are 2 cats in the photo of the store. They come by about 100 times a day, looking for love and food. And we give it to them. We’ve named them all, and as someone who is a Bonafide Dog Person, it slightly pains me how much I love these little rascals.

How can our readers find you? 

We are online at and you can find us downtown Strathmore at #103 307 3 Avenue.


What makes your business perfect for our modern mama’s? 

Everyone wants a deal; but, you also want quality. That’s where we come in! You can buy your kids a whole new wardrobe with lightly used clothing (which makes those rough-and-tumble holes in your kids knees much easier to deal with!) but also find some of the coolest, unique items that are available now.

Our Consignment Maternity section allows soon-to-be moms to purchase an entire wardrobe for a fraction of the cost of a new one. AND helps her find her proper size!

We’re super proud of our store, and we’re always willing to look for any products our customers want to see in store.


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