Date Night, Seafood and Toothpaste
Last night my love and I had the most fabulous date night. It was an exciting one too because it was an invite to ProNamel’s ‘The Acid Truth’ at YEW seafood + bar at the Four Seasons in downtown Vancouver. I can’t tell you how exciting it was to be treated at such a fine restaurant. Aside from the ‘to die for’ culinary experience I knew we were in store for I was very curious about the topic of the evening. I wanted to know more about the effect the food we eat has on our teeth as I’ve had issues with tooth sensitivity for many years and am concerned for the future of my son’s teeth. And April is Dental Health so it’s a great way to gain awareness.
So we got gussied up for a night on the town. And what a night it was!
Executive Chef Ned Bell put on quite a show.
We were treated to course after course of the finest selections of seafood, Beef Tenderloin and lobster with a delightful vanilla bean hollandaise (seriously, hollandaise should never be made without from now on!) and the most delicious Duck Confit Gnocchi I’ve ever had. Pear & Maple Compote, Crème Fraiche made every bite melt in your mouth and when paired with Maurice Ecard, Sauvigny les Beaune, from Burgundy, France it was perfection.
Eric and I shared our dishes so we could savour every. single. bite.
When you go out for dinner with your honey, do you share too?
When we arrived…
Ned’s Tackle Box (sorry for the scant photo, I ate mine up before thinking about taking a photo) was overflowing with plump Humpback Shrimp, Albacore Tuna (sashimi style)and Pacific Oysters and BC Spot Prawns. All this was served with Moet et Chandon Champagne from France and Salted Almonds and Cashews. Divine.
Although I didn’t try the oysters, I was told they were good. Did you know that the Four Seasons is the only hotel in Vancouver with the Ocean Wise designation? That means that they care about sustainable fishing to preserve the fish stocks we have.
Our experience at YEW seafood + bar was one of the most memorable evenings we’ve had out in a long time. And not only was the food delicious, but I learned so much about how the food we eat affects our teeth.
I am a huge dessert fan and YEW didn’t disappoint. This was the only dish I wished Eric and I didn’t share. I wanted every bite of the Almond and Caramel Cake with Popcorn Ice Cream. But, paired with Tinhorn Creek Ice Wine I was still in heaven.
Here are some great takeaways from the ProNamel event.
I know I’m going to have to change the way I look after my teeth, but I am especially concerned about my son’s ‘chompers’ as he’d say. It’s fine to eat foods that have a high acid content, it’s what we do afterwards that matters most.
1. Drinking with a straw is a great preventative measure and one of the key points I took away from this talk on ‘The Acid Truth’. My son already does, but we’ll make sure he sticks with it.
2. Try not to leave food in your mouth for prolonged periods. If you have a little one that likes to swish his food around in his mouth, try to help him or her break the habit.You’ll save on dental bills later. Or rather, he or she will. More and more people in their twenties are experiencing acid erosion due to eating habits and lifestyle.
3. Coffee and black tea are lower in acid than herbal tea and soda. Carbonated drinks and fruits are the worst culprits. But you don’t need to avoid them, just take care to brush the teeth after eating them.
Check out the ProNamel Acid Truth Infographic for more information.
My toothpaste of choice
I’ve been using Sensodyne toothpaste for years now but didn’t really register that ProNamel is a branch of Sensodyne, even though it’s always been clearly labeled. Can I blame my ‘preschooler brain’?
I can tell you without a doubt that the toothpaste I use, Repair and Protect by Sensodyne, does exactly what it says it will. It deposits calcium and phosphate ions right onto the teeth, taking care of sensitivity in a very short space of time. My teeth are very sensitive and it’s a relief to know that something really works.
I’m keen to try the tube of ProNamel that was given to me as a thank you for attending. Hey! No trouble! We had such a great time, the company was amazing and our bellies were full and happy.
It’s a win for everyone. Thank you YEW seafood + bar and thank you ProNamel.
What do you do to protect your family’s teeth against acid erosion?
To find out more about ‘The Acid Truth’ check out their website or the ProNamel Acid Truth Fact Sheet.
I wasn’t compensated for this post but we were treated to a spectacular dinner at the Four Seasons, YEW seafood + bar.