About Modern Mama Edmonton

About Modern Mama Edmonton

Welcome Mamas!

My name is Lesley and I am the new Area Director for Modern Mama Edmonton. Modern Mama has been in the Edmonton Area for several years and I am so excited to take on this new role and getting out into our community and learning more about what this area has to offer.

I have lived in the Edmonton area since I came here for University (how many years ago, I’ll never tell lol). I currently live outside of Onoway on an acreage with my husband and 2 kids, and our many animals. I work in “the city” so I feel like I have the best of both worlds, urban and rural, and have the ability to bring you adventures for all of our surrounding areas as well as in Edmonton.


How does she do it

Feel free to reach out with any questions, comments, suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you!

Email: lesley@modernmama.com

Instagram: modernmamayeg
Facebook: Modern Mama Edmonton
Twitter: @modernmamayeg