CEFA (Core Education and Fine Arts) in Willowbrook is celebrating it’s one year anniversary this Thursday March 26th from 5-7pm (20510 Langley Bypass (beside Kal Tire)).
Join them in celebrating by taking a tour, learning about their unique programming and entering a draw to win a FREE “Tuition Scholarship” and tastings by their in-house Chef.
What is CEFA?
Core Education and Fine Arts is a school that inspires and educates young minds of age 1-5 years old. The enriched curriculum focuses on self-expression and self-learning in disciplines ranging from Math & Science, Reading and Writing, the Arts, Music, Drama, Dance & Yoga. The CEFA program celebrates each child’s individualism providing them with the freedom to learn and grow through play.
Join them in celebrating:
Thursday March 26 5.00-7.00 pm
5:00pm Enter to WIN a FREE “Tuition Scholarship”*
6:00pm Guests participate in classroom activity tours
* Draw Date: May 1, 2015
Please RSVP to willowbrook@cefa.ca or 604-533-2287