Let me start by saying I have three very active children (all under the age of seven) and from the time they wake up in the morning to the time they go to bed they are full of energy! When my children were younger, I enforced a daily nap so that they could get some much-needed downtime and to ensure that they were able to stay up until bedtime without major upsets aka meltdowns. Their nap time was also a time for me to breathe and/or catch up on some work and/or watch a show with my feet up and/or fold through the never-ending laundry pile. Now that my youngest child is three, none of my children nap anymore but I do still encourage quiet time – now that usually entails two choices: playing quietly in your room or watching a show together on Netflix.
The biggest struggle we have with the latter is getting the three kids to agree on one show/movie with little arguing, and I’m sure parents with more than one kids can agree with me on this #thestruggleisreal. I recently received information on this great little idea that came from Netflix HQ; the Netflix Passport! This passport encourages your child(ren) to explore the world through various shows & movies so instead of arguing about which character they like they can choose which location they want to go and I pick the title based on that. So far this has been working for us and my kids have enjoyed decorating their passports as we go; I’ve included a printable PDF below so that your kids can get in on the fun too!
Find the Netflix Passport here!!
Let us know where your kids’ Passport takes them!