There are a TON of great markets and community garage sales happening all across the Fraser Valley this weekend. Great opportunity to do Mother’s Day/Father’s Day shopping from local vendors.
Windebank Elementary Spring Market– 33570 11th Avenue- 10am to 3pm
Free admission. Also having an online auction (
Tables are still available and if interested please email
Dewdney Elementary Spring Market– 37151 Hawkins Pickle Road- 10am to 3pm
Free Admission
Mission City Farmer’s Market– 7650 Grand Avenue- 9am to 1pm
Free Admission
Abbotsford Farm & Country Market– Historic Downtown Abbotsford- 9am to 1pm
Free Admission
Fort Langley
Fort Langley Village Farmer’s Market– 9025 Glover Road- 10am to 3pm
Free Admission
The SHIFT Handmade Spring Fling Market– 9400 208 Street- 10am to 4pm
Admission is $3
Maple Ridge
Whonnock Elementary 3rd Annual Spring Handmade Market– 27471 112 Avenue- 10am to 3pm
Free Admission
Albion Elementary Spring Market– 10031 240th Street- 10am to 3pm
Free Admission
If there are any other similar events please let me know: