Today we’re introducing our Potty Training speaker for Toddlerfest!
Meet Annie Anderson, of Cheekychops Consulting.
What is your background?
I worked as a behavioural interventionist supporting children with autism, alongside their parents and a support team, that also included potty-training support, which I successfully implemented. In 2009, I studied to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, as I became quite interested in learning and sharing with others about health and nutrition. Shortly after my husband and I gave to birth to our son, I found the topic of sleep fascinating and began my own research in eventually teaching my baby to sleep through the night consistently by 3 months old. During that time, I sought out Dawnn, founder of Cheekychops, for a brief consultation for my son and in the following year, when I joined up with Cheekchops as a consultant, I discovered that her strategies were practically identical to my own that I had put together. It was a perfect fit, my work experience with children and my nutrition background, was exactly what Dawnn was looking for. The business has been expanding due to increased demand for support in areas covering sleep, nutrition and potty-training, which I’m excited to say that Cheekychops is now offering all three of these services!
Do you have any children?
My husband and I have a son who will be almost 2.5 years old-a very funny little guy who loves to laugh and giggle a lot. He gives me good reminders to enjoy the lighter side of life more often, even just to enjoy being silly.
Why are you passionate about toddlers?
Children grow up way too fast, and so I see it as a privilege I have as a parent, to nurture and teach my toddler the wonders of life, while he’s still quite young. It’s really precious to watch him discover new things each day and marvel at his ability to develop his language skills so quickly.
It’s not too late to get your ticket for Toddlerfest! $20 includes your spouse and Toddler too! $15 for Nanny Service (almost full!). You can also WIN your ticket here!