Celebrate the Change of Season in Vancouver
The first day of fall is upon us and with it comes some great activities to welcome the change of season. From a Fall Lantern Festival to a yummy Greek Food Festival, Modern Mama has a handpicked listing for you. Check out this weeks Out & About list for the weekend of September 20th ~ 22nd, 2013.
It’s All Greek to Me ~ Vancouver’s Original Greek Food Festival
The Hellenic Community of Vancouver will host it’s 36th Annual Weekend of Greek Cuisine. This three-day event features the same great authentic Greek food, live dancing, kids’ activities and entertainment, along with Greek language lessons, the popular agora marketplace and much more.
New feature Kid Zone! ~ Saturday only. Admission is free.
Hellenic Community Centre, 4500 Arbutus Street
Saturn5 Saturdays, Sept 21st ~ Moons, 12.30-3.30
If you’re into moon gazing but never seem to stay up that late with little ones, check out this week’s themed show at the MacMillan Space Centre in the afternoon on the third Saturday of each month. Dream of life on other planet or at least it is an escape that will be fun for you and your little one.
H.R MacMillan Space Centre, 1100 Chestnut Street
Moon Festival
The Renfrew Ravine Moon Festival is a signature festival for the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood. It celebrates the full moon and harvest abundance, honouring diverse cultural traditions. The festival highlights art, music, environmental stewardship, and community participation. The 11th annual Moon Festival begins well before the actual day with lantern workshops, finale rehearsals, ravine stewardship and much more.
Make Pie!
Do you have a few hours free on Sunday without your little one? Have you always wanted to make apple pie to impress not only your hubbie but yourself? Take this workshop and be a homesteader for a few hours. Learn to wow with pie and try your hand at an Italian Sugo sauce and take home some smudgy herbs too. Just bring your own rolling pin. Seriously.
For more information on this workshop, go to their website.
The Pie Shoppe, 721 Gore Ave
What did you do this weekend that celebrated the change of season, mama?