If you are curious about homeschool or wondering why a mom may decide, and how, to homeschool, we invite you to read this article, written by Bonnie Way.
At the grocery store, I push my youngest two daughters in the buggy while my older two trail behind us. The buggy is overflowing when I swing into the checkout lane. As my oldest begins stacking broccoli and crackers on the conveyor belt, the cashier greets me and glances at them. I can hear the question coming before she asks it: “Is it a pro-D day for you?”
My oldest answers before I can. “We don’t go to school!” she proclaims proudly. “We’re homeschooled! Mommy teaches us.”
I smile, remembering my own similarly enthusiastic answer to that same question nearly twenty years ago. I was also a homeschool student from grades 1 through 12. However, I was among the first generation of homeschoolers in Canada. Back then, homeschooling wasn’t widely known and Mom was often viewed with skepticism for that answer.
Parents decide to homeschool their children for a variety of reasons
Today, homeschooling is becoming more popular and is a well-known educational choice. Parents decide to homeschool their children for a variety of reasons, from religious to educational.
My own reasons for homeschooling included the fact that I had done it myself. I saw the benefits of homeschooling for my own life and goals. As a homeschooled student, I learned life skills, discipline, and motivation, as well as the academic requirements. I also had the flexibility to set my own hours as a babysitter and pursue my hobbies, such as writing and music.
Homeschooling was the right choice for us
My oldest daughter attended a private school for Kindergarten. At the time, I was finishing the final year of my second degree and feeling overwhelmed as a full-time student and full-time mom. That year convinced me homeschooling was the right choice for us. I didn’t like driving her to and from school, packing her lunch and snacks, or how little time we had to spend together.
We started homeschooling the following year. Over the past three years, I’ve tweaked our homeschool curriculum and routines. I feel this year has been our best. My oldest (age 9) is doing Grade 3, my second (almost 7) is doing Grade 2, and my third (age 4) is doing preschool. My youngest (age 1) steals pencils and scribbles on her sisters’ workbooks.
We usually do school four days a week. The other day allows us to attend mom’s group, take field trips, participate in homeschool co-ops and clubs, or run errands. The girls are involved in local classes such as swimming, dance, and music lessons.
For us, a big reason for homeschooling is religious. I order our curriculum from Catholic suppliers, so our faith is woven through everything the girls study. I love acknowledging God as Creator in our science curriculum or reading about the saints in our history curriculum.
Homeschooling also gives us flexibility. For example, when my youngest was born last year, we took about two months off school. She was a difficult baby. Once she settled into more of a routine, I was able to return to our school routine. We still finished all our work for the year by the end of June (or earlier). Plus, the girls learned how to take care of a baby.
I can adjust the curriculum
Another reason I’ve chosen to homeschool my daughter is academic. I can adjust the curriculum to meet my daughters’ needs. When my oldest was doing Grade 1, my second daughter attended a small, local preschool and did various workbooks at home. At the end of that year, I realized she was ready to start not Kindergarten but Grade 1. She jumped into the same workbooks her sister had used the year before and excelled.
I have also seen my daughters’ relationships with each other flourish. While they have occasional squabbles (like any siblings), they are friends as much as sisters. During my oldest daughter’s Kindergarten year, I noticed she often came home from school grumpy and tired. Our first year of homeschooling saw a huge improvement in her relationship with her sisters. Now, my older two girls often help the younger girls.
I hope this gives you a glimpse into our homeschool
I hope this gives you a glimpse into our homeschool, and why someone would choose to have their kids home with them all day. I honestly cannot picture putting my girls into school. We have so much fun at home together!
If you are curious about homeschooling, I’d invited you to drop by my blog and explore my homeschooling posts. I’m always happy to answer questions as well so feel free to email or message me.
This article was provided by Bonnie Way.
Bonnie is a stay-at-home mom with four daughters. She blogs at the Koala Mom about everyday life as a mom, books she’s reading, great products for families, and tips and advice for parents. She is passionate about creating a chemical-free safe haven in her home with Norwex. She’s also a contributor to Love Rebel: Reclaiming Motherhood, an anthology to inspire moms in their daily work. Keep in touch by following her on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter!
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