This Sunday from 11am-3pm there is a fun and informative family event happening in the parking lot at St. Albert Centre! Meet some of the heroes that protect us everyday and become aware of how to be prepared for emergencies. Demos, hands on activities and more! There’s also a BBQ with proceeds going to St. Albert victim services, so you don’t need to worry about lunch before you head over.
Public Safety Open House
Join the St. Albert RCMP, Fire Services, Municipal Enforcement and many other community safety partners for this FREE and FUN educational event – Our Family Protecting Yours.
- Get behind the wheel of a police car and fire truck.
- Demonstrations from the Search and Rescue Dog Association of Alberta.
- Outside from 11 til 3, and inside St. Albert Centre at 12 and 2 p.m.
- NEW: Check out Car Seat Connection.
- Meet the RCMP Explosives Disposal Unit, and see the equipment they use to keep you safe.
- Get your child fingerprinted by St. Albert Victim Services.
- NEW: Watch demonstrations from the volunteer responders of the Edmonton Regional Search and Rescue.
- Children will be taught how to dial 911 and will meet Sparky the mascot from St. Albert Fire Services.
- Learn about human wildlife conflict, see animal mounts, furs and skulls from Alberta Fish and Wildlife.
- NEW: Learn about Crime Stoppers.
- Find out how the province prepares and responds to emergencies. Talk with the Alberta Emergency Management Agency. Learn how you can use Alberta Emergency Alert.
- See amateur radio equipment (ham radios) from the North Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club. This group provides communications services in times of disaster and serious civil emergencies as well as community events.
- See the inside of an ambulance, and help the attendant place a splint, and use a defibrillator.
- NEW: Learn how to use a fire extinguisher with Pyroguard Safety Solutions.
- Find out about the Neighbourhood Watch program, and how you can get involved with St. Albert’s Citizen’s Patrol.
- NEW: Check out the human patient simulator with Professional Medical Associates. See how our medical responders are trained for different situations.
- Learn how to create a Family Emergency Plan. Get ideas on what to include in a 72 hour Emergency Kit and Grab and Go Kit.
- Talk about how to prevent injuries and concussions with St. Albert Public Health.
- NEW: Visit The War Amps booth and learn more about their PlaySafe Program. Play an interactive game that identifies dangers in our everyday play environments.
- While you are there pop into St. Albert Centre for their Safety Scavenger Hunt and your chance to win a $100 Gift card and first aid kit!
After the event, take a family walk along the river behind them mall. What a great way to celebrate ‘Sunday Funday’ close to home!