Olivia and I just came back from the Intellidance for Babies Preview at Ward School of Dance and I couldn’t wait to share my experience with all of you! I was joined by 7 other fantastic moms and their adorable little ones. We sang songs, we did the salsa, we even perspired (well I did), and we bonded with our babies! I especially love that Intellidance also focuses on developing your baby like helping them learn how to balance or stretch their arms. Having a 9 1/2 month old I sometimes find it tough to think of activities that will be both educational and fun. The activities we did will even be easy to take home and do on my own. Olivia even seemed to enjoy just watching the other babies and shaking the little instrument ball! The age range was wide from 3 1/2 weeks to almost a year old, but you could see looks of curiosity and wonder on all the babies faces. Our instructor was Kirsten McOuat and she is absolutely amazing! She has 2 kids of her own and after taking Intellidance with her son, she knew she absolutely had to bring it to Spruce Grove. Kirsten has been dancing at Ward School of Dance since the age of 3 and recently got the chance to become part owner with, and what are the chances, another Kirsten!! In addition to the history and loyalty Kirsten has with the school, you can definitely see when she teaches the love and passion she has for what she does. I encourage all moms to check out the fall schedule for Ward School of Dance. There are so many options for you and your family. If you have any questions just contact the Kirstens at info@wardschoolofdance.com! Lastly, if you have a Modern Mama perks card you will also get 10% off, just let them know when you register. A perks card costs $30 for a limited time, regularly $45. Pick one up here if you don’t have one already.