Spring Cleaning with Netflix

Spring is in the air (or at least it should be) and while the urge to clean and organize the house may be strong, you might be like me… I throw on the TV, find something to watch on Netflix and then get down to business. This plan is flawed though because sometimes it takes a lot of searching before I can find the right program, and sometimes my options are 75% kid shows, 5 % what hubby has been watching and then a few titles that Netflix thinks I might like.

Thankfully, this is a problem of the past because Netflix has recently added a new feature that allows you to “Spring Clean” your profile; this feature is referred to as the Thumb Rating System.  A thumbs up means you’ll receive more recommendations similar to what you like; a thumbs down will keep that show or movie off your lists.

Here’s how the new thumbs design may come in handy for your family:

  • Your kids spent a rainy afternoon watching Buddy Thunderstruck and now all your recommendations are cartoons- a simple thumbs down ensures the cartoons stay on their profile and off yours.
  • Your partner has been on a Marvel’s Iron Fist binge and now your Netflix profile is unrecognizable- setting up their own profiles + thumb ratings will make sure everyone’s Netflix experience is personalized and stays that way!
  • You just discovered Santa Clarita Diet and want more shows similar to it- a thumbs up will ensure you’re recommended similar titles.

Just remember to create a separate profile for your spouse, kids, and babysitter so that each one of you can personalize your selection and save the search time, for watching what you want!


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