How To Train Your Dragon : The Hidden World Review

*Disclosure: I did receive this DVD to be able to facilitate this blog post. As always all my opinions are my own* Synopsis From DreamWorks Animation comes a surprising tale about growing up, finding the courage to face the unknown… and how nothing can ever…


How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World DVD Giveaway Vancouver

*Disclosure: I received a copy of this movie in exchange for this blog post, As always my opinions are my own* Dreamworks is back with their newest How To Train Your Dragon film called ” The Hidden World”. Both my kids have loved watching this…


How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World DVD Giveaway Edmonton

  *Disclosure: I received a copy of this movie in exchange for this blog post, As always my opinions are my own* Dreamworks is back with their newest How To Train Your Dragon film called ” The Hidden World”. Both my kids have loved watching…