When you think of early childhood art, what’s the first image that comes to mind? Yes, there are popsicle stick figures and “hand turkeys.” But the most quintessential art project for young kids has to be finger painting. It’s practically synonymous with a childlike sense of whimsy and creative wonder.
As it turns out, we may be taking the practice for granted. Finger painting is more than just a cute activity that produces some fridge-magnet keepsakes. According to early childhood professionals, it’s also a widely beneficial stepping stone for early development.
In this article, learn a few of the enriching benefits of this classic kids’ pastime.
It’s a Low-Barrier Activity for Self-Expression and Creativity
Regardless of age or difference in ability, almost all kids can enjoy finger painting. They do not need to possess the fine motor skills to hold and manipulate a brush or the intent required to mix paint on a palette.
Yet, with finger painting, these kids can still express themselves and their creativity. They can take ownership of a creative project, watching their decisions come to life on the page. Moreover, young kids can learn “cause and effect” principles by mixing various colours and visualizing various hand movements.
Pro tip: Research the best finger paints for your kids’ developmental stage, and chat with a quality art store like Above Ground Art Supplies about your options.
Sensory Play Can Help with Attention Span, Emotional Awareness and Even Language Development
According to early childhood specialists interviewed for the BBC, finger painting is a form of sensory play with wide-ranging advantages for development.
It can improve attention spans because “When a child is hands-on with an experience, they’ll stay engaged with it for longer than if they just listen to someone talking.” It can deepen emotional awareness by teaching them how their actions affect their physical surroundings. And most surprisingly to this writer, the article asserts that the sensory play of finger painting aids in language development. You can read the full article at this link.
Finger-Painting Helps Kids Hone Their Fine Motor Skills
A well-documented benefit of finger painting is its effect on fine motor skills. Most kids are not starved for occasions to practice their gross motor skills – at the playground, on the jungle gym, or throwing themselves off the couch at home!
However, those small, deliberate and detailed movements that we adults sometimes take for granted also need practice. And finger painting is a great way to hone those essential skills. Kids learn to direct their minor, digital movements to create the pictures they want to see, which helps them isolate and focus on small muscle groups.
“Giving in to the Mess” Is Just Fun Sometimes!
Sometimes, being a kid can feel like one long lecture about cleanliness. From an early age, children are (understandably) taught to limit their interactions with food, dirt, felt pens, and random pieces of garbage they find on the ground…
All bets are off with finger painting. Provided a parent lays down a clean-up mat, kids can get as messy as they please. That kind of release from the normal rules can be liberating for the young, creative mind.