Win 2 Tickets to a Modern Mama Event

Hi mamas!

With fall right around the corner it’s time to start thinking about and planning our schedules once summer is over. And although we hate to see summer go, we are looking forward to meeting some of you at our events starting September 8th, 2013.

Modern Mama VancouverNorth Shore and North Burnaby want to make the transition into fall and your new routines fun and simple. So, we’re offering up a chance to win two tickets to Modern Mama event of your choice.Fall Leaves and Child

Here’s the best way to get the most entries ~ purchase tickets in advance!

When you purchase tickets in advance for your event of choice you will EARN TEN (10) EXTRA ENTRIES!

If you are the winner and have purchased tickets in advance we will make sure you get a refund. And if the current events listed don’t suit your needs now, the winner can always register for a future event.

Modern Mama has something for every busy mom.

For more information about upcoming classes, click on the links below. Just remember to sign up through the Rafflecopter form below to earn extra entries!

Contest closes on Monday, September 1st, 2013 at MIDNIGHT.


Here’s a list of upcoming events in the Lower Mainland. But remember to use the Rafflecopter form for extra entries and a better chance of winning your tickets!


Infant & Toddler CPR ~ September 8th, 2013 (am)

Infant & Toddler CPR ~ September 8th, 2013 (pm)

Nutrition for Kids: Baby Meets Broccoli (4-9 months) ~ September 10th, 2013

Mama’s Night Out ~ October 23rd, 2013 (featuring Parrish Wilson from on how to make Date Nights more fun. Tickets on sale soon!).


Nutrition for Kids: Toddler at the Table (19-36 months) ~ September 9th, 2013

Essential Series: Infant Sleep September 13th 2013

Fit 4 two: Tummies for Mommies & Infant Massage ~ September 16th to October 7th, 2013

Mama’s Night Out: Chocolate, Tea and Carseat Safety ~ September 13th 2013

Infant & Child CPR Workshop ~ September 25th, 2013


Essential Series Potty Training Basics ~ September 13, 2013

Infant CPR, Choking, and First Aid New and Expecting Parents~  September 29th,2013

Essential Series: Infant Sleep ~  October 11, 2013. Details coming soon!

Essential Series: Introduction to Solids for Babies ~ November 1st, 2013

Good luck mama!



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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