It is an exciting time when your little one starts to eat solids. You finally get to start introducing them to all the delicious things in the world for the very first time. As a parent you want to make sure they are eating the best of the best and for some of us that means making homemade baby food. Of course preparing your little ones food is a bit different than how you would prepare your own so to help you we have found some great recipes to get you started.
First Time Meats
When your little one is finally ready to start meats one of the first they will try is probably chicken. Of course making meat based baby foods are tricky, but this super Basic Chicken Baby Puree by Baby FoodeE is perfect. This a super simple step by step to help you prepare your baby’s first chicken dinner with the family. With only three ingredients and super low on sodium it is ideal for your little one’s sensitive palette.
Don’t Be Mean To GreenNow green always seems to be a tricky color to get into any kid on a good day. This is why I am a true believer in positive food color association as young as possible. Making green their favorite choice I always hoped would increase their chances of not turning their nose up to future veggies. So something like this Kiwi Apple Zucchini puree by Simply Whisked delicious. So good even you will be sneaking spoonfuls of it while you are cooking up a storm in the kitchen.
Go-Go Baby
Sometimes you have a little one that will barely stop for a diaper change let alone to eat. This is when trying to get them to sit and eat for any given period of time is next to impossible. Another reason why these Baby Led Weaning Muffins by My Kids Lick the Bowl is fantastic to give your go-go baby! These delicious little muffins that are super low in sugar and are made with apples, bananas and carrots are the perfect little on the go meal.
No Blueberry Blues Here
Once you and your baby have developed a decent palette together creating fun combos to sneak in those harder-to-get-into-kid foods starts to get easier. Pairing some of those super good for you, but maybe not favorite food items in with something they love is a great way to get it in. This Blueberry, Apple, Spinach Puree by Steel House Kitchen is marvelous for just that. This perfect balance makes sure you sneak in that spinach without any hassles.
Addicted To Puffs
When my boys were little they used to love the puffed cereal snacks for babies. Of course I was always worried about them eating too many as many parents are. So when I found this DIY Baby Puffs Recipe by Kanga ‘n Rue I knew I had to share it with other parents. This is not only a great money saver but it also gives you peace of mind. You are in complete control of these ingredients which means you are sleeping easy baby is eating clean!
The most important thing you can do for your little one is make food enjoyable, not a challenge. We hope these ideas will inspire you to keep it easy and keep it healthy!