7 Easy ideas for Elf On The Shelf

We love Elf on the Shelf in our house. Three Decembers’ ago, our girl elf arrived with a letter and a book to my girls on the fireplace mantle one day.  They embraced this idea of someone watching to be sure they behaved throughout the month of December and then the fact that she did silly things some nights made them laugh.(notice I said some nights; some nights I simply reposition her!)

Then last December Samantha brought along her brother, Harvey, who was in training, to also spend December with us. We have had a bit of fun with the pair!

Here are our fun ideas for a brother and sister pair of elves! (We said 7 ‘Easy’ as I didn’t consider making cotton candy at 11pm to be ‘easy’!)

A simple come-back with a note introducing Harvey:


A night spent ice-skating (I used this one several times through December and will again this year!):



IMG_3619 (1)

(I bought the skating set at Target but can’t seem to find it now, on Amazon it’s a collector’s item and quite pricey!)

They got especially mischievous the night they made peppermint cotton candy!

(Get your cotton candy maker here)*




On another adventurous night, they trapped the girls in their rooms!



… and made a big mess of streamers and tape!


They played with disposable drinking cups


They split up some nights too


They just hung around



Some nights, they even left us notes

(search Elf On The Shelf Printables on Pinterest!)


Happy December!

*Contains affiliate links.


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