Here is a round-up of what is going on Around Town this weekend…
~Enchanted Dreams A Brides Tale Bridal Fair
“We have everything you need to plan the most enchanting memorable day of you life”
When: Friday June 7th (5pm-9pm) & Saturday June 8th (9am-4pm)
Where: Tri Leisure Centre
Cost $5 per day with all proceeds going to the Sonora Fire Victims
~Whispering Waters Fundraising Concert (In celebration of Seniors Week)
Featuring Canadian Country Music Legends: Bev Munro; Alfie Myhre; Joyce Smith; Randy Hollar; Pete Hicks; and Rodeo Wind Band.
When: Saturday June 8th at 7pm unti 10pm
Where: Heritage Park Pavilion (Stony Plain)
Cost: $35 at the door
~ Shred-4–Free Day
You can bring up to 4 boxes (30 lbs or less) to be shredded on the spot in a secure shred-it-truck. For more information go to Shred-4-Free-Day.
When: Saturday June 8th (9am-1pm)
Where: Agrena Parking Lot
~Farmer’s Markets
You can find all the details here.
~Council Meeting (Spruce Grove)
Regular City Council Meetings are open to the public.
When: Monday June 10th at 6pm
Where: City Hall Council Chambers, 3rd floor. 315 Jespersen Avenue.
~Town Council Meeting (Stony Plain)
When: Monday June 10th at 7pm.
Where: Council Chambers, Town Office. 4905 51 Avenue.
Have a great weekend!