Here are the family friendly events happening around town | March 4th – 6th!
Harlem Globetrotters
With incredible ball handling wizardry, amazing rim-rattling dunks and rim shots, side-splitting comedy and unequaled on court fan interaction, this must-see event is guaranteed to entertain the whole family creating memories that will last a lifetime!
When: March 4th – 5th | Various showtimes
Where: Edmonton EXPO Centre
Cost: $24 & up
Teddy Story Time
Join us for songs, stories and crafts as young children learn to interact with each other. Ages 2.5 – 3 years. Younger siblings and siblings enrolled in Pre-School Storytime are welcome! Details!
When: March 4th | 10:15 am – 10:45 am
Where: Stony Plain Public Library
Cost: FREE
Tick Tock Time
Children’s imagination and early language skills develop while the parent-child bond strengthens. 0-4 years (with their caregivers) (Registration Required)
When: March 4th | 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Where: Spruce Grove Public Library
Cost: FREE
Preschool Story Time
Encourage school readiness through sharing stories, learning action rhymes, playing games and occasionally creating a theme based craft. For ages 4 – 5 years.
When: March 4th | 11 am – 11:45 am
Where: Stony Plain Public Library
Cost: FREE
Servus Free Ski Fridays
Servus is proud to partner with the Edmonton Ski Club and Winter City Edmonton to help more Albertans enjoy Edmonton outdoor activities. Enjoy free skiing the first Friday of every month this season at the Edmonton Ski Club.
When: March 4th | 5 pm – 9 pm
Where: Edmonton Ski Club
Cost: FREE
Fun Night – BFF Night
Drop the kids off with Crock A Doodle and enjoy a couple hours of free time to kick off your weekend! Your kids can paint and play with friends, and make some new ones! Price includes pottery, snacks and supervision. Suitable for ages 5+. Bring your BFF and paint a piece for each other. Pick your Piece Night! Pre Registration and Pre Payment are a must!
When: March 4th | 6 pm – 8 pm
Where: Crock A Doodle, Spruce Grove
Cost: $26 / child
Mom, Pop, & Tots Fair
Head to the Mom, Pop and Tots Fair and join in on the excitement! With hundreds of vendors and participants, there is a lot to explore. Learn about parenting tools, find out what’s happening in your community, or just come and see all the toys!
When: March 5th – 6th | 9 am – 5 pm
Where: Edmonton EXPO Centre
Cost: $0 – $14
Family Favorites at Cineplex
This weekend the Family Favorites movie is ParaNorman.
When: March 5th | 11 am
Where: North Edmonton Cinema & South Edmonton Cinema
Cost: $2.99
Maple Sugar Shack
Sugar shack activities in the Homesteader’s Cabin. 10 am breakfast buffet by reservation only; see website for details.
When: March 5th | 12 pm – 2pm
Where: Multicultural Heritage Centre, Stony Plain
Cost: $2
Reel Family Cinema
Metro Cinema offers family friendly movies every weekend; this weekend features: Labyrinth.
When: March 5th | 2 pm
Where: Metro Cinema
Cost: FREE for children under 12
Glow Night
Come to LZ Trampoline Park for our ALL AGES Glow Night. FUN competitions and prizing!
When: March 5th | 8 pm – 10 pm
Where: LZ Trampoline Park
Cost: Regular Admission
Easter Party Breakfast Social
Join the Parkland Village Community Centre for a delicious breakfast and have family fun with the kids! Easter treats, crafts, egg hunt and meet CottonTail!
When: March 6th | 9 am – 11:30 am
Where: Parkland Village Community Centre
Cost: Adults: $5 | Kids: $3 | Family 6+: $20