The Calgary Stampede kicks off this Friday and is on until July 15, 2018. Below we have our tips for taking kids to stampede and the insiders guide to stampede pancake breakfasts.
Value Days at the Calgary Stampede:
- July 5th Sneak-a-peek: FREE admission for children under 6 ($9 for entry otherwise)
- July 6th Parade Day: FREE admission 11:00am to 1:30pm head over to the grounds after the parade and enjoy FREE entry.
- July 8 Cenovus Family Day: FREE admission from 8:00am-11:00am free stampede breakfast as well
- July 10 McDonalds Community Day: 10am – 2pm $2 admission
- July 11 BMO kids day: FREE Admission for kids under 1
- 2 years of age.
more details on value days here
There is so much to do at the Calgary Stampede that you wont know what to do first, but we made sure to create a great list of all the Summer fun you can have at the Calgary Stampede this year!