Disney Social Media Moms On The Road


Sue, Raspberry Kids; Annemarie, YoYoMama.ca; Angela, Modern Mama North Shore; Shuanna, Modern Mama North Burnaby; Lee-Anne, Modern Mama Vancouver West

Last month, the Modern Mama Vancouver lower-mainland team was invited to Disney On The Road’s Seattle (Bellevue) Conference. A day in Seattle with Disney staff, fellow mom bloggers and entrepreneurs for a day filled with inspiration was welcome!

Disney Seattle

In typical Disney fashion, we learned about the exciting ‘Monsterous Summer’ fun at Disney Parks with a beautiful video.  All the Twitter handles in the crowd agreed, it made us all want to plan our next Disney trip at that very moment.

van mm team 400
, founder; Lee-Anne, Vancouver-West; Shaunna, North Burnaby; Angela, Vancouver North Shore

The keynote, Mindee Doney of Juicebox Idea and founder of Boogie Wipes immediately captured all our attention and related to us all by being genuine, funny and completely real.

Mindee spoke about being in the moment, through and through and to accept ourselves for who we are.  I was struck by how she accepted her rise to entrepreneurial success with Boogie Wipes and then down again to bankruptcy and divorce.  She has a warmth and genuine aura about her that has all sitting at the edge of our seats to hear her story.  I took away some of her bits of wisdom.

“You’re not juggling family and work, you’re juggling pockets of time.”

“A guilt trip is a gut check ignored”.

“You cannot be super mom at everything”.

Next we heard from a ‘mompreneur’ panel: success, balance, family and how they ‘made it’, which was moderated by Mindee. Kathy Nelson – Ovaleye,  Christi Sandvik – Kris & Kate, Suzanne Hansen – Baby Sleep Coaching, and Sari Crevin – Booginhead were our expert mama-entrepreneurs.   The main take away for me is to ‘protect your schedule’ and to make the time for family – these entrepreneurs were all single moms!

Art Disney

It was a fantastic learning opportunity, and as an added bonus, our team was very lucky on this day – Angela won a Disney make-up gift basket, Shaunna won the Britax car-seat giveaway and I, the American Tourister pink luggage and the table’s stuffed monster, Art.





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