Daddy Rocks: DIY Fathers Day Gift Idea

Fathers Day 2015

What do you give the Dad who has it all??!!

It can be easy if your husband is an avid sports fan or hobbiest. But what about the Dad’s who don’t wear ties and never go into a shopping mall. Or the worst of them all, the Dad who says ‘I don’t need anything, save your money’…Come on there’s got to be something you want or need??? However, no matter what their age, a gift for Dad made from a child will always tug on his heart strings. (Last year our Fathers Day gift had my husband shed a tear – so even the tough Dad’s cry). It doesn’t have to be sappy, mushy or lovey dovey, but a DIY Father’s Day gift shows him just how much you care. So kids, if your Daddy rocks, grab your Mommy to make something special for him this Fathers Day.

My boys love rock collecting, so we went with this idea to frame a photo with the three of them for our Fathers Day gift to their Daddy.

Our Dad Rocks craft


20-30 smooth flat rocks (rince them in warm soap water).

White school glue

4×6 picture frame (place your chosen photograph inside the frame before you start).

Decorations/stickers/lettering (optional)

Wrapping paper (my photo was smaller then 4×6 so I used wrapping paper  for background to fill in the negative space between the frame and the photo).


  1. Let your child pick out the rocks they want to decorate the frame with.
  2. Once you’ve decided on how to arrange them, place a sufficient amount of glue at the back of each rock and hold it to down for 30 seconds. (Add as many or as little rocks as your child desires).
  3. Let the glue fully dry (approximately 1/2 a day).
  4. Adorn with decorations (stickers, lettering, painted rocks etc…)
  5. Trademark your frame with love for Dad.

Our Daddy Rocks craft

For more DIY Fathers Day gift ideas check out my board on Pinterest.


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