Facebook Consignment Shopping in Edmonton

Child Style

By Emily Fee

Entering into the world of motherhood has opened my eyes to children’s fashion.  Every time I go shopping, I’m finding children’s clothing that would make any kid look like a NYC catwalk cutie.   The only thing is that those mini-hipster-like trends come with adult-like price tags.

I thought I wouldn’t be able to outfit my soon-to-be-fashionista until I found out about Edmonton Facebook Consignment stores.  There are tons out there to choose from.  Peapods Consignment, Lollipop Parade Consignment, Pipsqueaks, and Marvelous Munchkins.  Those are just a few of the many available in Edmonton and the surrounding areas.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign in to your Facebook account and friend request the consignment stores.
  2. Once you are linked then you can view the posted albums of items that are currently being sold or contact them about consigning items your own items.
  3. These items will include clothing (ladies, mens, childrens, babies), accessories, shoes, and toys.
  4. When you see something you like, you mark the photo’s comments with your intent to purchase and the seller will contact you for payment and pick-up location and date.
  5. Voila!  Your bargain hunting paid off, you saved a bundle on something cute for your babe!

Some Tips:

  • Be sure the items are marked in good or excellent used condition
  • Look for current, on-trend items that are not more than 2 years old to maintain your child’s style
  • Look for smoke and pet-free home sellers
  • GUC = Good Used Condition
  • EUC = Excellent Used Condition

Looking to sell your items?:

Some sellers split profits as high as 50% with you, but note that is not typical.  It ranges so have a good look around and talk to the seller before deciding on someone.  You can also use the money you made co-signing to purchase other items posted.

Why pay full price for those seasonal items when your child is going to out grow it in a month or two? These online consignment stores are  a modern way to clean out your growing children’s closet and make a little extra cash on the side for that Starbucks habit.

Photo Credit:  Irene Austen Photography

Emily Fee recently moved to Edmonton from New York. Ever since she became pregnant with her first child she has made a point of exploring what Edmonton has to offer for those of us with little ones. She has her masters in Childhood Special Education but is known for her love of fashion, food and social events.  She is a childcare consultant by day and a blog writer, watch designer, and foodie by night.  Find her blogging at Beauty Bump.

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