Five Things: Links We Love


It’s that time again, my wrap up of fave posts and things from around the World Wide Web this week! This week’s post is brought to you by VW Canada’s Countdown To A Golf on now (and Giveaway below!) (NO, we’re not giving away a car silly.)

1 | Beef Pomegranate Guacamole Tacos

Need I say more? This recipe looks and sounds super delicious.

2 |  VW Canada’s Countdown To a Golf

This is a super fun way to buy your new Golf. Every day, the price is dropping by $1000! But you have to lock it in at the price you want to pay before someone else beats you to it. Our second vehicle is a Golf and we love it, have been driving it for over five years now. See below for a VW Prize pack! (Canadian)

3 | 50 Things …

Well actually “Rules For Dads of Daughters”, this article lists so many great tips and hints, for parents of girls. I made sure to share it with my husband although he does so many of these things already.

4 | I’m Not Busy

I couldn’t agree with this article more, I can’t stand hearing how ‘Busy’ you are. We chose whether we feel ‘busy’ or not. It’s up to you to say No to the things that don’t make sense for your family or make you happy and attempt to balance the things that we can’t control.

5 | Babies in suits

Seriously: babies wearing Daddy’s suit, check out these babies all dressed up for work. Super duper silly but very adorable.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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