Five Things: Links We Love


It’s time for my weekly roundup of links I have loved around the Web this week.

1 | The Pregnancy celebrity bullying and excessive weight gain, Jessica Simpson ‘weighs in’, and lots of pregnancy celebrity photos.

2 | The ridiculous pressure to make beautiful pre-school lunches is on.  Let’s be real, who has the time to make these crazy fancy lunches every morning?  Honestly, I will put in my 4yo’s lunch what I know she’ll eat:  a butter sandwich on whole wheat bread (crusts cut off occasionally), some cheese, some fruit, a chocolate milk and probably a granola bar for dessert.  Voila.  No culinary school or bento box training required.

3 | We adore Pinterest over here, you know this though, of course!  Some of my top picks for brands you simply must follow:  Zulily, 5 Minutes for Mom, Peek Kids and Target.

4 | A fantastic post about the struggles of breastfeeding and how it’s okay to make the other choice; one mom talks candidly about dealing with her shame over switching to formula.

5 | A really fun fashion blog for moms, One Little Momma is as cute as its name.



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