1 | Not for the faint of heart, or those easily offended by fowl language: a funny mom covers all the bases complaining about those perfect ‘Pinterest Moms‘.
2 | It’s coming: Fall which means warmer clothes, boots and scarves. Doesn’t that just sing perfect for moms on the go? I know it does for me. A great site for Fall Fashion Finds on the cheap: Hautelook. ‘Always loving their discount style.
3 | PIE. Yes, pie. Get all Martha Stewart and try one of her 25 Perfect Pie recipes. Or just wait a couple of days until I post my perfectly easy blackberry pie recipe (with locally picked wild blackberries!).
4 | A great post for moms of boys: 10 Rules for Moms of Boys. My favourite: Dance with him!
5 | For Baby & Toddler, the Old Navy Baby Sale (30% off!) and the Gap Kids & Baby Sale is on now until September 11th. With cooler weather around the corner, it’s a great time to stock up on the basics.