Five Things: Links We Love


For years I posted my weekly ‘five things‘ – events and happenings I loved around Edmonton for families. I’m bringing it back!  It won’t be focused around events and happenings  (although I encourage you to click through to your city’s Modern Mama location to see their weekly round up of local goodness!) but this will now be links I love.  My favourite finds around the Internet, around Canada, the World, anything that applies to modern mama-hood (and perhaps awesome occasional giveaways too!).  Stay tuned each week.

1 | Real men change diapers, and this cute Tee-shirt, on Etsy says it like it is.

2 | Getting your toddler to eat their veggies is a full-time gig, in and of itself.  This list covers 10 ways to get them to do just that.  I especially love the reminder to re-introduce foods to a child over and over, and over.

3 | Who wants the latest iPhone (hello: me!) and of course, Apple is releasing a new i07 soon too.  Check out Cool Mom Tech for the updates and why we should be excited for the new operating system and iRadio too.

4 | I’m always on the lookout for a new salad combination for light summer meals.  This Avocado Chicken Salad looks completely mouthwatering and something both hubby and I would enjoy, perhaps even the kids?

5 | Giveaway alert!: Minted offers up the coolest in personalized stationery and beautifully designed cards. Enter below to win a $75 gift card and free shipping from Minted.

This week’s 5-things brought to you courtesy of


a Rafflecopter giveaway



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    I love your site!! Every Friday I check out for things to do in my area (white rock-near Vancouver), and it always helps. It really is my go to guide to help plan our weekend. Thank you. I especially like the article on how to get toddlers to eat their veggies. And I’ve entered the mint contest. 🙂

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