My Father, aka Papa, is as devoted a Father you will ever meet. As I sit here on Father’s Day weekend, I sit back and realize just how much he sacrificed for his 3 children. We didn’t have excess money or live lavishly, by some accounts we probably lived just above the poverty line. However, what was never missing from our lives was LOVE.
Papa worked a full-time job, coached each of his 3 kids sports teams (oftentimes simultaneously), plus was a Father and a Mother to us. At the end of the day, he had nothing left for himself. But you would never hear him complain of such. He was made to be a parent and proved so by raising our young family all on his own. How grateful I am to have witnessed such selflessness, such joy in parenting, such pure unconditional love. Now as a newfound mother to my little toddler, I reflect back on how much he actually gave up for us. I wonder if he will ever be able to accomplish or discover what “he desires most”.
While countries separate us, one thing is certain, he remains with me everyday. As I clean the house to his favourite music, as my son looks up at me with Papa’s family nose, as I care for my vegetable garden that he introduced me to as a child. I desire to set a great example to my son, the same way Papa did for me.
This Father’s Day I implore you to celebrate your Father and let him know how much he means to you.