Hottest Tot Products A-Z, Part 6

We are continuing to feature our many products and sponsors for our first Hottest Tot Products Event in Vancouver, October 23rd, from A to Z!

To get a quick look at everything up for grabs, check out our Pintrest page too.

Today, we’re featuring letter J again, for our fab event sponsor and Hottest Tot Product provider, North Shore baby boutique Jack & Lola!

Jack & Lola is a locally owned children’s boutique that just celebrated their 4th birthday! With over 3900 Facebook fans and a reputation for great service and quality products, Jack & Lola is a great resource for parents and kids. A quick walk from Lonsdale Quay Market (and the seabus station!), I always stop by Jack & Lola whenever I am visiting the North Shore. My husband also works on the North Shore and he’s regularly sent there to pick things up.

For a Hottest Tot Product, Jack & Lola has chosen to give one lucky mama a super cool Strider Bike! The 2012 Strider ST-3 No Pedal Balance Bike is lightweight at just 6.4 lbs. & cute to boot. Ultra lightweight wheels made of durable EVA foam mean they never go flat and are always ready to ride. $129.99 value. It’s a definite contender for my almost two-year old son’s Christmas gift.
Thanks to Jack & Lola for being one of our great sponsors and product providers!

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