Hottest Tot Products A-Z, Part 7! Letter M

We are entering week 2 of our feature on the many products and sponsors for our first Hottest Tot Products Event in Vancouver, October 23rd, from A to Z!

To get a quick look at everything up for grabs, check out our Pintrest page too.

Today, we’re featuring letter M, which stands for….

Medela For any mom that pumps their breast milk, you are likely familiar with Medela. This company focuses primarily on products that support the breastfeeding mother, and they are giving one lucky mama the ULTIMATE – a Freestyle double breast pump, $399 value. I totally wanted one of these when breastfeeding my son, but it was out of reach price-wise. I’m so pleased one lucky mama will take this home as a Hottest Tot Product!


Mountain Equipment Co-opFor some reason, I only recently realized that MEC carries an extensive baby, toddler, and kids products and clothing line. A great source for quality and well-priced clothes (including organic cotton!) and outdoor gear. The folks at MEC are providing one mama with a cozy down-filled Ride Warm Stroller Bag. With colder weather approaching, this will be put to good use right away! $89 value.

Moojoes Kids Gear – A North Vancouver online boutique since 2009, Moojoes carefully handpicks and researches every product for their store, with a focus on its overall desirability for kids and their parents. And when they can’t find a product that meets their standards, they make it themselves, including the Moojoes Rain Ponchos. For a Hottest Tot Product, Moojoes is providing on mama with a gift set of Emily Green products, $40 value.

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