We are in week 2 of our feature on the many products and sponsors for our first Hottest Tot Products Event in Vancouver, October 23rd, from A to Z! Regular tickets are still available – be sure to snap one up!
To get a quick look at everything up for grabs, check out our Pintrest page too.
Today, we’re on letters N, O, and P.
N stands for…
Noodle & Boo Skincare and the Puj tub – it’s a package Hottest Tot Product valued at $100. Noodle & Boo natural skincare is made in the USA, and manufactured in an FDA-approved, pharmaceutical environment. Every formula is
hypoallergenic and clinically-tested to minimize the risk of allergic reaction, as well as dermatologist-tested to verify optimality for skin sensitivities. The Puj Tub is is ideal for infants 0-6 months and fits into a sink, so you can comfortably bathe baby without straining your back or worrying about your baby getting too slippery!
O stands for…
Oops! Sheet is an award winning, celebrity-loved, line of products designed to simplify parenthood. Their specialty is cotton, waterproof, breathable, and machine washable sheets for the crib, bed, carseat, and even sleeping bags! One mama will take home a Mom & Baby Pack from Oops! Sheet, a $150 value. The Oops! Sheet is available at Jack & Lola in North Vancouver.
P stands for...
Peapod Creations – Peapod Creations is a Winnipeg, MB company that makes the lovely CuddlyWrap™ and baby essentials like blankets and burp cloths. The CuddlyWrap™ is a wrap-style baby carrier that is designed to move with you and your baby, to be secure, yet not restrictive. There are no age or weight restrictions so you can continue to use the CuddlyWrap™ from newborn to toddler. One mama will take home this amazing wrap plus a blanket and burp cloths, $120 value.
Petunia Pickle Bottom – This company makes beautiful, iconic bags that are stylish on the outside, but practical for a diaper-toting mom on the inside. One mama will take home a stylin’ Sashay Satchel, $180 Cdn value.
The Piggyback Rider is a mutually enjoyable, effortless way to carry a child (2½+ years) on your back, replacing bulky backpack carriers and strollers. It functions like a backpack, utilizing a shoulder-mounted foot-bar to distribute the child’s weight (up to 60 lbs.) at your core, which enables a natural upright walking posture. The child stands firmly on the wide foot-bar, holding integrated grab handles and secured by a safety tether. $139.99 value.
Po Po’s Ponchos – This Vancouver online boutique was launched in 2007 to help make modern family life easier. These ponchos are not only super adorable, but very practical and well-designed for Vancouver weather. From newborns in a baby carrier or car seat to toddlers in strollers to young school age kids, these ponchos have a purpose in any situation. For our Hottest Tot Product Event, one mama will take home a poncho and stroller blanket, $129.99 value.