Every month we will interview moms in our “How Does She Do It?” feature.
We are very excited to introduce you to Heather Godin. She is a stay-at home mom that lives in Michigan, USA.
Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?
I live in the Suburbs. Right outside of Detroit, Michigan.
Tell us about your children?
I have two kids, a boy and a girl. My daughter Alexis is 5. She’s the girl that loves everything rainbows and unicorns. She is as sweet as sugar and very shy. However, she knows how to give some sass when she wants, particularly with me. She’s a daddy’s girl through and through. (He promised her a pony and his credit card the day she was born, she’s still waiting on the pony). My son Sebastian is 3. He keeps us on our toes. Makes us laugh even when we shouldn’t and isn’t bashful at all. I’m not sure where he came from! But he has my heart and he loves his mama!
Tell us about your typical weekday?
My husband wakes me up, because I stay up later getting my “me” time in and then I get the kids up. I get Alexis ready for school, she’s in kindergarten. Sebastian goes to preschool 2 times a week for 3 hrs. It’s my sanity and free time to work on my Instagram account. The days he doesn’t go we sometimes go grocery shopping or do a play date or just hang out at home. After we pick up Alexis which Sebastian has asked about a hundred times are we getting her now. Make dinner, do homework, make Alexis’s lunch, take a bath, then play a little and then bed time.
Do you have help?
We don’t have a lot of help. Not very often. My husband is my rock and we work as a great team.
Who cooks dinner?
I do. I have some picky eaters in the house so it can be challenging. I don’t go to the grocery store without a meal plan for the week.
How often do you buy something just for you?
Used to be maybe three times a year. I admit I lived in my pajamas or sweats and bought all things just for the kids until Sebastian was about one. Then I needed to squeeze in mommy and feel better, so now it’s about twice a month. Not so sure how the husband feels about the shopping.
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?
Well I walk my daughter to and from school and clean the house, does that count?
What clothing lines or stores do you like to buy for your children?
I love anywhere that has something cute and affordable. They grow quick. Here are a few Target, Kohls, H&M, Old Navy, Little Lupines, and Walmart.
I’m totally obsessed with…
Clothes, hair, anything beauty and traveling. Ever since I could remember.
Three things in my purse right now are…
- Chapstick,
- Kids snack
- Pepper spray.
My favourite drugstore buy is…
Maybelline Super Stay Matte Ink, L’Oréal Voluminous Million Lashes, Not your Mother’s dry shampoo.
My guilty pleasure is…
Ice cream, and walking around Target for to long.
Thank you to Heather Godin for taking the time out of her day to let us know “How Does She Do It.”