How To Do a Manicure

Your Best Manicure

How to do a manicure yourself, well.  I discovered a couple of products recently that changed the quality of my at-home manicure, significantly.  You can read the first post about my usual manicure routine here, and it hasn’t changed much, other than the products I’m using.  My routine is simple:

1. Remove previous polish.

2. Drop some Disappearing Trick by Essie cuticle remover on each cuticle and push back your cuticles.

3. File your nails short and neat.

5. Swipe on your favourite colour (two coats).

Now here’s where it goes from good to great.  I discovered Essie “no chips ahead top coat” recently and it’s CHANGED my manicure quality.  Why?  Because it makes my nail colour shine and LAST way longer than it used to.  I can use a $3 trend polish and it will still last an entire week without chipping with Essie top coat on.  No lie.

6.  Swipe on Essie “no chips ahead top coat”.

I love it.  Essie is worth every penny I’ve spent on their products (I love their colours too).

This is not a sponsored post, I was not paid to use or try Essie products; I purchased them at my local drug store.






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