My Kid Will Eat This: Ra Energy Foods Review

Ra Energy Collage for MM

I’ve tried a lot of ways to add more nutritional value to my family’s meals. We buy organic when we can but it’s not always possible due to budget contrains so we pick and choose and try to stick to seasonal options when we can.

We Don’t Eat a Ton of Meat

We don’t eat a ton of meat in our household and truth be told if I could, I would go vegetarian. But, my son, at the tender age of three and a half isn’t having it. He loves tofu but he also loves his ‘winner winner chicken dinner’ as we say, when we pick up a whole chicken at Costco or Urban Fare.

Proud Mom Moment

Thankfully, my son love homemade mac n’ cheese and smoothies in the mornings which is a god-send because you can hide a lot in them. He’s at the age now where the idea of greens doesn’t start convulsions anymore and, (proud mom moment coming up) when we were out for lunch one day I asked him if he wanted the green smoothie or the pink one, and he chose green! So I know we’re on the right track.

Still, I know we could improve things a lot. So when I had the opportunity to try Ra Energy Foods organic mix I was excited to find out how I could use it to increase his overall health.

Ra Energy Foods, Organic Mix

Ra Energy is a unique blend of shelled hemp, unhulled sesame seeds and unsprouted buckwheat that contains quality carbohydrates that sustain energy throughout the day, complete proteins to build stronger muscle and essential fatty acids to support heart health.

It also contains whole flax seeds which I was curious about knowing that they can’t be digested whole. But I found out that they are in there as a reminder to chew your food. Of course, when you put Ra Energy into a smoothie it does get pulverized, bringing out the nutritional goodness, including fibre.

If you add this mixture to your everyday foods, not only will they taste better but you will gain all the benefits of this high quality nutrients without changing a thing.

And not that I would recommend this, but if you had a habit of eating Big Macs, (yuck!) you could sprinkle this organic mixture on it and increase the nutritional value!

My Kid Will Eat This

This product is fantastic for kids, especially those who struggle with eating their veggies. Here are some great reasons why you must try this product.

1.It helps keep kids focused. A little Ra Energy sprinkled on their food helps boost in concentration levels and focus.

2.It helps them stay full longer. Because of the nutritional punch this food contains, it really satisfies their hunger.

3.Healthy Brain Development. Ra Energy provides a convenient and easy way to increase the nutrition of their foods and by doing so the omega-3 and 6 adds oomph to their brain development.

Overall, this product is a win for us. Even my partner, who resists change like antibiotic-resistant bacteria, loves it. I caught him adding it to his oatmeal, without me suggesting it!

How to Use Ra Energy

I add a couple of tablespoons to our smoothies in the morning because I like the bit of texture and thickness and it adds a wonderfully nutty flavour. You can even sprinkle it on peanut butter toast for a crunch that is way better than traditional crunchy peanut butters. And in pancake batter is it really delicious. We also add it to salads and stir frys and I’ve even tried it alone if I’m feeling peckish.

Whatever you do with the Ra Energy food, enjoy the piece of mind that comes with the additional fibre and omega-3 and 6 it contains and of course the taste.

Take the 7 Day Challenge

Take the Ra Energy 7 Day Challenge! All you need to do is use three tablespoons of the product daily for seven days. You will notice an increase in energy, focus and a decrease in cravings. And you’ll *sleep better.

*I did the 7 Day Challenge myself and although I did notice I felt better and had a bit more energy, it was really hard to gauge as this mama is still sleep-deprived because our son still wakes up every night.

RA energy logo

For more information on Ra Energy, visit their website, follow them on Facebook and on Twitter.

I wasn’t compensated for this post but I was treated to a Blogger Event hosted at Nuba in Kitsilano where we fed delicious food that we sprinkled with Ra Energy. We were also given product to try at home. The opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Lee-Anne Ekland blogs over at when she’s not rustling up awesome events and running Modern Mama Vancouver, or managing the content over at

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