Last year you all voted for our Mama’s Choice Awards, and for the Best Mom and Me Class Category, Kindermusik Discovery took first place! So naturally, we got curious!
I have signed me and my littlest man, Parker, up for a 15 week class at Kindermusik Discovery, and we are loving every minute of it.
Parker, like me, is a little reserved when it comes to new things and new people, so needless to say we were both a little hidden and shy at first. But that didn’t last long at all!
Our class leader, Sandi, always has blocks out for the kids to play when they get there (pictured above) and we always start by singing a song to put the blocks away, that really is the sign that class is starting, and by our second class, Parker already knew this and you could tell he was excited.
The interaction between the kids and their parents in the class is fantastic, and from what I’ve witnessed in my almost 6 years as a parent, completely unparalleled. I have never taken my kids to a class and been able to interact with them so much without a fight.
Parker is learning fun new skills, like pattern recognition and social development and using new instruments!
On our first class, we left with a fantastic new box of tools to use at home! In our doggy box – yes the box itself can be used as a dog house for playing at home as well – was some reading and activity books, 2 cds and a fun new instrument for Parker to keep the music going at home!
Kindermusik Discovery has a wide range of classes for newborn babies all the way to seven year olds and they offer ukulele classes for older children.
They offer classes at three locations in the city, on Roblin Blvd, at The Forks, and one in St. Vital, making it convenient for families anywhere in the city to take part!
There is still room in my group class at 9:30am on Saturdays at the Roblin location! Visit their website for more information on how to register and join us for all the fun!
Are you interested in Kindermusik Discovery, but want to check it out first?! Check out information and scheduling for their FREE PREVIEW CLASSES!
Their whole team at Kindermusik Discovery would be happy to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. If you would like information about joining me for a preview class, or registering, you can contact Kindermusik directly or contact me and I can point you in the right direction!
Hope to see you at a class soon!