Memories… One Step at a Time

I’ll admit, when I received the Joovy StepTool Step Stool as my first product for review from Joovy, I had NO IDEA how I was going to write about a “stool”. Then my husband pulled it out of the box… and my daughter Sofie and “the stool”, have been inseparable.Sofie began taking her stool with her everywhere. She’s only 2, but the stool only weighs 1.5lbs! Each time I saw her using it I realised she was making memories… one step at a time!

Memory: Playing with her big brother!

Memory: Getting money for slurpees!

Memory: Making an obstacle course!

Memory: Watching mom get ready for work!

What does mom love about the StepTool? I love that it’s safe (nonslip bottom and top), environmentally-friendly (entirely BPA, PVC and phthalate free) AND a great price! You can find the Joovy StepTool Step Stool for only $19.99 online or at select retailers.

~Josline, Joovy MOM

This “Joovy Mom” loves everything that Joovy stands for!

Disclosure: I was provided this product in exchange for a review post. Opinions are my own!

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