We are so excited about our newest feature How Does She Do It! Every few months we’ll interview and feature a ‘Celebrity Mom’! In between we’ll feature ALL moms (You! Please apply here!)
Now that you’ve seen how celebrity moms Robyn Hardy and Lorraine Pond from Bobs and Lolo do it, we are thrilled to introduce you to our first non-celebrity, but pretty famous to us as she is part of our fabulous Modern Mama team!
How Does She Do It
Kimberly Ouelette, Community Director from our St. Albert/Edmonton North Community
Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?
Suburban Mama in a newly constructed home in North Edmonton
Tell us about your children (how many, how old?)
Lucas, 20 months, boy human
Lola, 6 years, fur child (chihuahua/pomeranian)
Doug, 5 years, fur child (chihuahua/pomeranian)
Tell us about your typical weekday
Lucas wakes me up by chatting to his Sleep Sheep in his crib, we usually head to a play date, park or work out class in the morning and always try to be home for nap time! During nap time I’m busy over multi-tasking with housework, dinner prep and Modern Mama work. Lucas is up and it’s play time until Daddy comes home and then we eat dinner together followed by a walk with the dogs. Bedtime for Lucas means work time for Mama or relax time with Daddy- usually something on our PVR.
Do you have help?
No, other than Lucas going to a day home once a week.
Who cooks dinner?
This Mama but Daddy usually does the clean up!
How often do you buy something for just you?
Well… usually I have a bit of a shopping addiction, but lately I’ve been trying to curb it! I guess once every few weeks. The last “luxury items” I purchased for myself was 2 weeks ago and it was Benefit Gimme Brow gel and DuWop Lip Venom-love them!
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?
Yes! After I had Lucas I explored the world of working out with your baby and it has been such a great experience. We have made such great friends doing a strollercise class once a week with Momentum Health and Wellness as well as mom and baby classes at Servus Place. We also walk the fur children daily.
I fit it in by bringing baby along!
What clothing lines/stores do you like to buy for your child(ren)?
I am frugal in this aspect, this kid grows so fast!- I love local swap meets and pride myself on coming home with a huge bag of barely worn clothing to show off to my husband.
If I have to get some basics I like Gap, Joe Fresh, Carters and Osh Kosh.
Complete the following:
I’m totally obsessed with… my child’s laugh
Three things in my purse right now … diaper, lip gloss, stacking cups
My favorite drugstore buy is… Witch Hazel- so cheap and so great
My guilty pleasure is… massages- I could get one every week
Thank you!
PSST! Apply here to be featured in our How Does She Do It!
Thank you to Carla Marie Photography for the fabulous photos!