We curated our first Top 10 Instagram Moms list back in November of last year, and have since followed many more awesome mamas – here are some fun top picks: Moms to follow on Instagram. (First, follow us on Instagram at @modernmama!)
Mommyshorts | 900+ Photos | 8300+ Followers
Blogger and creative director from New York with great photos of her family and life in New York.
Reason to Follow: Good photography of life in New York City.
Rebecca Minkoff | 3500+ Photos | 200,000 Followers
The fashion designing mom with beautiful accessories and handbags from New York.
Reason to Follow: Who wouldn’t want a peak into a designer mom’s life?
Mom Advice | 1800+ Photos | 2200+ Followers
Founder of momadvice.com with great photos of her family and food.
Reason to Follow: Drool worthy cake (and other food).
Samantha Yanks | 2600+ Photos | 2800+ Followers
Editor, fashion director, and jewelry designer living on the East Coast
Reason To Follow: A glimpse into a completely different [and lux] lifestyle.
Yayababy_ca | 200+ Photos | 100+ Followers
A boutique owner from Vancouver with photos of her new shop construction and cute family shots.
Reason to Follow: Follow the journey of a new business owner and mom.
The Busy Budgeting Mama | 2600+ Photos | 3600+ Followers
A DIY mom with great shots of her kids and projects
Reason to Follow: Sweet photos and videos plus some DIY links to her blog.
Vera Sweeney | 1000+ Photos | 1900+ Followers
A fashion, travel and family blogger from New York City.
Reason to Follow: Again with the glimpse into the lives of moms on the East Coast!
Mommas Gone City | 1300+ Photos | 5000+ Followers
Mom of 3 Kids in NYC, recently relocating back to California with great photos of life in the city.
Reason to Follow: Well, it was all the great shots of her cuties in the streets of NYC but it should be neat to see the transition to life in California.
Ali Landry | 200+ Photos | 11,000+ Followers
This former Miss USA, model and actress Instagrams photos of her family, and behind the scenes goodies of her work.
Reason to Follow: Fun pretty shots of her kids and life in the fast-lane consisting of shoots and such.
All Kinds of Lovely | 1400+ Photos | 1300+ Followers
An Edmonton auntie with a blog who posts lovely shots of style and fashion for moms, food and her family.
Reason to Follow: Cute outfits and good looking food.
(It’s been brought to our attention that Dajana is not actually a mama, but we love her auntie posts just the same, so she stays)
Not on Instagram yet? Download it on your smartphone today, you won’t regret it, it makes photos more beautiful and fun, instantly!
What a great idea. Thanks for sharing. I totally love All Kinds Of Lovely as well!
Thank you so much for including me! I’m beyond flattered to be in such wonderful company.