2014: A New Year, A Happier, Healthier You

Year of the Horse 2014

How was your first week of 2014?

by: Lee-Anne Ekland

Was it everything you hoped it would be?

With the new year comes a sense of renewal, a chance to start over and a chance to shed the things that are weighing us down. Did you sort out all your New Year’s Resolutions one by one? Did you write your resolutions down or cut and paste loads of magazine photos to a vision board or get all Pinterest-y about it? Did you finally convince your family to get on side too and do it all whilst jiggling your cranky baby on your hip? Impressive.

(insert sound of record scratching here….eeee ouch!)

Wait a minute…

If you’re like a lot of us, the thought of resolution making is akin to poking your eyes out with sharp sticks. You feel overwhelmed, under slept and up to your eyeballs in laundry folding. It’s not a bad thing to want change. It’s not a bad thing to think that we can be happier, have more love, sex, eat healthier, exercise more and have or save more money. But when we think we can change everything all at once we set ourselves up for failure. So why would you want to pile yet another thing on your plate when you can hardly handle what you have on it now?

Breathe mama. We don’t have to do it all.

In fact, sometimes just knowing that we can’t do it all is fuel enough to make small changes that put us on the path to everything we could ever want. And sometimes it’s helpful to hear from friends and other mamas about what they’re doing. As long as we don’t compare ourselves to them because let’s face it you will never have that Pinterest-y DIY completely outfitted home and perfect wardrobe. But who wants that anyway?

Just Be You: A Happier, Healthier You

With that said Modern Mama wants to know what you’re doing this year that will bring you closer to your dreams.

What are you going to do this year that is different? Will you be focusing on fun this year? Will you take more time for yourself to play with your kids? Will you be taking on a new exciting job or project? Are you going to have regular date nights? Will you try something new, something that pulls you out of your comfort zone? Will you be using that gluten-free recipe book that’s been sitting on the shelf for months. (ahem, this is a personal one) Maybe you’re simplifying your life or finally taking that vacation.

Whatever it is that you are doing, we want to hear about it!

2014 is Year of the Horse

2014 is going to be an amazing year mama, so let’s grab it by the mane and ride off into the sunset! Leave your comments below and go to our communities on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Lee-Anne Ekland is the Community Director at Modern Mama Vancouver and manages the content here on Modern Mama. When she’s not working here and there, she’s over here at Mom Paradigm.com.  Mom Paradigm focuses on sorting through the amazing journey that is motherhood through the eyes of her child and blogs about healthy living, lifestyle, parenting on occasion, wine and skin care.

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