Pottery Barn Kids hosted Modern Mama for a special Storytime a couple weeks ago, as the launch of our Westside Social Tots Series! (*please excuse my lower quality iphone photos)
The children were offered these cushy and comfy chairs and gathered round a Pottery Barn staffer who read some fun books. My favourite, which I picked up that day, was Way Far Away on a Wild Safari.
And, of course, kids always wander during storytime, especially with so many fun distractions around the store. Look at this dream kitchen, and fun mini dyson vacuum to push around!
And the ultimate boys room:
The Pottery Barn Kids staff was great. For our special Modern Mama Storytime, each child received a great goody bag and a little treasure chest with an eye patch, which quickly became popular.
Pottery Barn offers a regular storytime every Tuesday morning at 11:00am. Kids will receive a book club passport at their first storytime and after 5 visits you’ll receive $10 off your next purchase.
Thanks again to Pottery Barn Kids. We’re looking forward to our next storytime at the store!