SG/SP Mama: Kristin Goertzen

My Modern Mama Icon…aka Connie Peters aka THEE Modern Mama has started a new blog post that I absolutely love! “How Does She Do It” features both celebrity and your next-door-neighbour type moms and gives us readers a glimpse into their everyday lives. As a spin-off on this, I will be asking the same questions from “How Does She Do It” but featuring some of our very own mamas right here in Spruce Grove/Stony Plain! We have some amazing moms in our community and I love giving recognition where it is due! If you know a special mama that you would like to nominate please don’t hesitate to contact me!

Our First EVER SG/SP Mama is my dear friend: Kristin Goertzen


Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live? Suburban mom living in Spruce Grove

Tell us about your children (how many, how old?): Jaxton is my first son. Age: 3 1/2. Traits: Active, rough and tumble little boy who keeps me on my toes and Cohen is my second son. Age: 22 months. Traits: Goofy, fun loving boy who tries to keep up with his older brother AND soon to be mommy of one more coming Jan 1, 2015!

Tell me about your typical weekday:
I usually get up around 7 am to make breakfast for my kids and get ready myself. I run a dayhome and so those kids start arriving around 7:30 am. At 9 am we have a morning snack and then usually go outside to play and then we go inside and play some more. Lunch is served at 11:30 am and then it’s nap time around noon. Nap time usually means 2 hours to get in some cleaning, prepping activities, and hopefully a little time to relax. When the kids wake up they have a snack and from 3-5 pm I usually have a craft for them to do. Then when the dayhome kids leave around 5 pm it’s time to cook dinner for my family. Dinner is at 5:45 pm and we have family time from 6-7 pm. At 8 pm the boys are bathed and ready for bed. From 8-10 pm I get to do what I want like do my nails or take a shower!

Do you have help? My husband, Justin, helps when he gets home from work. My mom and sister are great for watching the kids when I have appointments or we want to go on a date night.

Who cooks dinner? Me!

How often do you buy something for just you? This past weekend we actually went to Calgary for our anniversary and I shopped just for myself for the first time in I don’t even know how long. Does buying nail polish while out doing groceries count? And then you buy the expensive one and think you should have just picked up the $1.99 bottle!

Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in? Yes, before I got pregnant I worked out 6 days a week mostly during nap time or I would go out for a run at night when Justin got home and the kids were asleep. I just ran my first 1/2 marathon in the summer!

What clothing lines/stores do you like to buy for your child(ren)? Joe, Carters/Oshkosh, and Old Navy.

Complete the following:

I’m totally obsessed with…the bachelor!

Three things in my purse right now …baby tylenol, nail polish, and an orange.

My favorite drugstore buy is….nail polish and tylenol.

My guilty pleasure is….lattes and the bachelor…and red wine when I’m not pregnant

Thank you!

Beautiful family pictures courtesy of Candice Tkachuk Photography.

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