I often go to my Mom’s house for lunch during the week. Probably about once every couple of weeks.
She makes a salad, sometimes homemade soup or sandwiches, and we catch up for an hour or two.
A few months ago she pulled a large bag out of her freezer after we’d finished eating, something I didn’t recognize. It was a Costco-sized bag of barkTHINS® Almond & Sea Salt thin pieces of chocolate.
I fell in love.
(also GREAT on yogurt with your favourite fruit or seeds!)
Thankfully her Costco-sized bag lasted us through a few lunches like this. We would have a few pieces after every lunch for weeks.
When I was asked by barkTHINS to write this post, I was elated. I LOVE the snacks, and I was sent all the new flavours, now available in Canada, to sample!
Unfortunately, my girls abruptly stole a few bags from my stash before I could hide them (seriously), but I still managed to taste a tiny bit of the new coconut & almond, pumpkin seed with sea salt and pretzel with sea salt flavours!
What I didn’t realize during all these lunches with Mom, as we enjoyed a few pieces of barkTHINS after our meal, was that barkTHINS are Fair Trade dark chocolate completely free of any artificial anything and are all non-GMO certified.
And so, it began. Those lunches started something. I began picking up the almond & sea salt flavour for myself.
My 2pm ritual.
I work all day, at home while my girls are at school, and at 2pm, just before I have to leave to go pick them up, I sit down in my reading nook, grab a book or magazine, and my barkTHINS. It may only be 15 minutes, but it counts!
A tiny slice of “me-time”, every day made #betterwithbarkTHINS and #snackingelevated!
*I received product from barkTHINS and wanted to share it with you. This post is sponsored by barkTHINS, however, all opinions are completely my own and are based on my experiences.