Finding great meals that everyone in your house likes is always a challenge. Trying to figure out meals after a long Winter break can be just as hard – if not more so since most of us are tired from the quick change in scheduling. Fighting with your tired self and your tired kids while trying to make dinner is just too much some nights, but to avoid that call for fast food I wanted to give you some superbly simple, delicious and healthy dinners to help you get back into your regular routine.

Honey Sesame Pork Tenderloin from the Gunny Sack
Honey Sesame Pork Tenderloin from the Gunny Sack
Pork Tenderloin is a great item to find on sale most weeks, sometimes you can even grab a couple to freeze for later use saving money and time later on. This delicious recipe is the perfect way to get your family eating and you relaxing even sooner at the end of the night. My boys and I have managed to make this together with ease and little trouble at all.

Vegan Mushroom Spinach Stroganoff from Monkey & Me
Vegan Mushroom Spinach Stroganoff from Monkey & Me
Now vegan meals might be a hard sell in your house but believe you me this one is going to be easy. It is one of the best mushroom meals I have even had or made and I absolutely adore having a couple vegan/vegetarian meal options throughout the week. Not only will this hit the spot it will also serve as an amazing comfort meal throughout the week.

Penne Alfredo with Bacon and Sundried Tomato from Don’t Go Bacon My Heart
Penne Alfredo with Bacon and Sundried Tomato from Don’t Go Bacon My Heart
If your family loves pasta then this is going to be one of your new favorite meals. This screams comfort food with its super easy to do alfredo sauce that even your kids could make, which is a great way to keep the stress of cooking at bay, get those helpers helping! Pair this with some garlic bread and even the hungriest of teenagers will be full and happy.

Oven Baked Meatball Sandwiches from Home Cooking Memories
Oven Baked Meatball Sandwiches from Home Cooking Memories
Meatballs are always a massive hit in my house, but of course my kids get tired of them always being paired with spaghetti. Which is why I loved this amazing meatball sandwich recipe that is too good to be true. Filled with sauce, covered in cheese and filled with delicious healthy meatballs this is definitely a winner of a dinner. I wouldn’t be surprised if this made it onto your weekly healthy dinners list.

Salsa Fresca Chicken from Easy Family Dinners
Salsa Fresca Chicken from Easy Family Recipes
If you are looking for a dinner that makes minimal dishes during prep time then you will adore this Salsa Fresca Chicken from Easy Family Recipes. This is a great dish to get the kids to make too as it is so simple to do. Just put everything into your dish and bake and done. It is the best way to end a very busy non stop day. Make sure to enjoy time with your family rather than just serving them, you can make a great dinner with ease and with your family, trust me.

Spinach Lasagna Roll-up from Food Curation
Spinach Lasagna Roll-up from Food Curation
Spinach isn’t always a favorite in our house but when you add enough delicious cheeses and pair it with a great sauce and you have a spinach based meal everyone in your house is going to adore. On a cold day this is a great meal to have and your family will think so too. Get those kids in the kitchen and helping too, there can never be too many hands in the kitchen.

Instant Pot Honey Sesame Chicken from Six Sister’ Stuff
Instant Pot Honey Sesame Chicken from Six Sister’ Stuff
For those of you who love your instant pot this one is just for is all kinds of easy and delicious and your tired self will thank you for trying out this recipe. If you just got an instant pot this year for the holidays then this just might be a great recipe to try out this week while you are trying to get back into the routine. Nothing better than easy meals that are easy to clean up and could be made to feed an army with ease!
Let us know if you try out these recipes, we would love to hear what you think of them too!