The Adventures of Puss in Boots Debuts on Netflix #Streamteam

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January is the month to enjoy indoor retreat with your kiddos. Cuddling on the couch with a blanket and popcorn is one of my very favourite ways to spend an evening with my family.

This month on Netflix, Puss In Boots swashbuckles on to the bigscreen with brand new adventures.

Why not make this fantastic breakfast or snack while enjoying a new flick.


Puss in Boots Peanut But­ter and Fruit Toast

2 slices of multi­grain bread (You could also use rice cakes.)
1 table­spoon peanut but­ter (or non-nut but­ter, like sesame, for those with aller­gies)
1 banana
½ pear, quar­tered as well as finely sliced
2 pecans
1 rasp­berry, sliced


Toast both slices of bread. If you’re using rice cakes, omit this first step.

Spread peanut but­ter (or non-nut but­ter) on one piece of bread.

Using a par­ing knife, cut the shape of a top hat out of the sec­ond slice of bread. We used a slice of banana as the feather in his cap. How­ever, you could use any fruit you have avail­able includ­ing apple, pear, or an orange slice. All you need to do is use a dab of your but­ter of choice as “glue” to fas­ten it to the toast hat.

For the eyes, we used pear and then added a pecan for the pupil but almonds, wal­nuts, raisins or dried blue­ber­ries would work too.

The whiskers for Puss require small slices of pear or apple so keep tiny hands busy with another part of his face.

Finally, craft the per­fect lit­tle kitty nose out of rasp­berry (I bet a straw­berry would also work great).

Serve on a plate with a big glass of milk, of course.



* Recipe courtesy of Sweet Potato Chronicles. I am a member of the Netflix Stream Team.


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