For many of us the New Year means we are working on new goals whether they are personal goals, business or otherwise. There are so many ways we try to better ourselves in the New Year and this year we here at Modern Mama want to help encourage that growth by giving you a list of book to encourage your growth in the new year.
The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur
Moving past a lost love at the beginning of the New Year and looking for some insight on how to grow past? This is exactly what you need. This journey inspired poetry is an incredible way to look at losing love, growth and learning more about yourself as a woman. It is a gorgeous way to explore and inspire yourself through heartache and it was one of the best books of poetry I have ever taken the time to read.
Depression and Other Magic Tricks by Sabrina Benaim
This debut book from poetry performer known for the live performance piece that went viral online: “Explaining My Depression to My Mother”. It is an explorational set of poems that deal with mental health, growth and learning to love your beautiful mess. It is a great uplifting read to let you know you are not alone, this does not define you and you are amazing – keep being you.
The Princess Saves Herself In This One by Amanda Lovelace
Another amazing new age poet that will blow your socks right off. This collection of poems by Amanda Lovelace all focus on the theme resilience through loss and everything in between. It was named Winner of the 2016 Goodreads Choice Awards and this isn’t the only book she has put out. All her poem collections are a great way to search inside yourself – they’re a must read for your growth in 2018.
The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F@$k by Mark Manson
This superstar blogger put this book together to help us all realize our full potential without burning ourselves out. We don’t have to put on a happy face all the time and this guy shows us how being true to your feelings will make you a happier better person overall. Learning what your limitations are, and how to say no to spreading yourself too thin this 2018!
You Are A Badass: How To Stop Doubting Your Greatness And Start Living An Awesome Life by Jen Sincero
Learning you are a badass can be a struggle for many of us out there. We have all gone through a lot and motherhood can be all consuming. Connecting again to your inner greatness is exactly what this book is all about. Making it a must read to help catalyst your personal growth in the new year. Make 2018 amazing by starting on the inside first!
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
This is the same beautifully creative woman that brought us Eat, Pray, Love and this book is all about finding yourself creatively. All about looking past the fear you may have about discovering or pursuing your creative outlets. To jump regardless of fear and do it from a place of passion and personal desire. If you want to focus on living your most creative life in 2018 this is the book for you.
Trust No Aunty by Maria Qamar
This fun lookbook gives you an edge when it comes to dealing with those meddling aunties in your life. Whether they are controlling or judging this book shows you the best ways to get by the new year without worrying about your nosey aunties. Learning from the best Maria Qamar shows you how you can take control of your own life and get ahead in 2018. Even Mindy Kaling is a huge fan!
The Life Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F@$k by Sarah Knight
Similar to Mark Manson above this book is written from a woman’s perspective. Lots of us are people pleasers and that takes away from our joy in life. We need to start learning how to start saying no, valuing our own time and make ourselves a priority again. This is key to creating a magical year for yourself and a successful one for your family!
Milk & Honey by Rupi Kaur
Another poetry book you must read – this even comes in an audiobook form read by Rupi herself that makes it even more powerful. This is her whole 20+ years of life struggle in book form, as the back of the book says: “…this is my heart in your hands this is the hurting the loving the breaking the healing.” An inspiring journey to inspire your beautiful mess in 2018.
Unplug: A Simple Guide to Meditation for Busy Skeptics and Modern Soul Seekers by Suze Yalof Schwartz
Many highly successful people out there credit their meditation journey’s for their success and positive outlook on life. If you are going to pick up any habit this year make meditation one of them. This amazing little book makes this daunting task something that anyone can master. It doesn’t have to be hard and we often overthink what the process will be like. This great book turns mediation into a simple thing that you don’t have to be scared of, we need to adjust our expectations of what it is and dive into the journey. This shows us that with practice anything can be mastered and even the littlest actions can affect our life outlook which will hopefully bleed into our successes.
Armed with these books in 2018 you will be ready to take life by the reigns and make 2018 the best year yet!
What books will you be reading in 2018?